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How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense
Money for nothing? Well, not quite—but close! Google’s AdSense is a revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites that places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page, or clicked on. We'll show you some good ideas that added to your own, will help increase your AdSense revenue.
Method One of Three:
Creating an Ad Unit

Sign into your AdSense account. Go to AdSense, and click on My ads in the upper left.
Create a new Ad unit. In the main screen area, under Content > Ad units, click the +New ad unit button.

Name your ad unit. This can be any name that suits you, but many find creating a standard naming format helps them manage large amounts of data.
For example, using [target site for the ad]_[ad size]_[ad date] is one approach, that would look like this: mywebsite.com_336x280_080112. Whatever format you decide to use for naming, make that your standard.

Pick a size. See "How to Do It" below for details, but Google has found best practices that generate more clicks.

Set your ad type. This determines the types of ads you will see on your website: text only; text and image/rich media; and image/rich media only.

Create a custom channel. A custom channel lets you group ad units however you choose, such as by size or location on a page.
You can track performance by custom channel, and turn your channel into a targetable ad placement so advertisers can target their ads to your ad units.

Create your ad style. This lets you choose colors for the various components of an ad: border, title, background, text, and URL. It also lets you choose corner styles, from square to very rounded, a font family, and a default font size.
It's good practice to create an ad style that harmonizes with the look and colors of your website.
You can use Google's presets, or use your own custom settings. In either case, a sample ad on the right will show you how your ad will appear

Get the code for the ad. When you're done with the ad setup, either save your ad unit, or click the Save and get code button at the bottom to get the HTML code for your site.
If adding code to your site is a puzzle you want help with, click here for Google's code implementation guide.
Was this method helpful?
Creating an Ad Unit
Method Two of Three:
How to Design Your Ad Campaign

Analyze your content. In designing any kind of ad campaign, it's crucial to know who your target is. If you're writing a food blog that caters to single men on a budget, for example, you've narrowed the scope of who you will be appealing to. You've also got a very good focus point for your ads. What are things single men who cook drawn to? Here are some possibilities: dating, cars, movies, politics, and live music.
Think about who frequents your website, write down what you feel are the most important characteristics of your viewers.

Fine tune advertisements. While AdSense will auto-populate your page with what they feel are relevant ads, use their tools to provide tighter controls.
Set up channels. Channels are like labels that let you group your ad units your way—by color, category, or pages. By setting up channels, you can get detailed reports on the performance of your ad units, and use that to your advantage. For example:
Use one style of ad on one group of pages, and another style on another group. Track and compare the performance of the two styles, and pick the best performer.
Compare performance on pages that focus on different things. For example, if your pages about gardening perform better than your pages on cooking, you might consider adding more to your gardening pages.
If you have separate domains, set up a channel to track each of them to see which is generating the most clicks.

Optimize your ad placement and site design. Google has found there are places where ads are more effective, and places where they are less effective.
Ads that appear when you first arrive at your page (i.e., "above the fold" as they say in the newspaper world) tend to be more effective than those that are below the fold.
Ads on upper left tend to perform much better than ads on the lower right.
Ads directly above the primary content, and ads that appear at the bottom of the page and above the footer tend to perform very well.
Wider ads are ge


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