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Earn Money by filling data entry jobs at home

Earn Money by filling data entry jobs at home

How I earn Rs.45000/- and above every month by doing simple ad posting jobs at home

Become eligible to receive data entry jobs Just fill the simple form given below and earn money. Membership Is Free for limited time, Earn money from the comfort of your home, Minimum Rs. 100/- per data entry job.

Are You looking to make money online through Freelance Online and offline data entry Jobs? First You should study about what kind of freelance Jobs available online. Are you really tired to search real part time jobs like data entry, freelancing jobs and some other outsourcing jobs? This is the right place to get good real part time jobs. Before finding good part time jobs, you need to analysis your skills in home based jobs. In this website we show you who offers genuine home based freelance jobs and how to get them. What you have to do? Needs to do before getting freelance jobs? How to getting paid from them. Register this website. We will send you email about real part time home based data entry jobs frequently. Joining our part time data entry service is absolutely no investment required.


For each data entry work you will get Rs 100/-.

Form Per DayEarning Per JobEarning Per DayEarning Per Month
10Rs 100Rs 1000Rs 30000
As per above chart minimum you will get 10 jobs per day, if you get more you can earn more and also we will provide bonus points as per your work.

Taking data entry jobs in your spare time is a great way to make some extra money. Our members participate in hundreds of FREE MONEY making data entry job opportunities without any investment – Join immediately and earn money from the next minute…

We need more number of data entry operators to complete our huge projects. For getting this data entry jobs one must have basic typing skill and basic English. So we are providing jobs to only selected members. However we will refer some good home based job resources to our registered members. So to get all this details you need to register our website free of cost.

By joining today, you will get Rs.50 free as joining bonus. Many companies are asking deposit for providing Data entry jobs. But we are providing joining bonus for our members Because we have huge quantity of typing projects and we need more number of data entry operators to complete our projects. We have members from all around India, Especially from Mumbai, Kolkatta, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Ahmadabad, Patna, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Cochin and Ranchi. We are sending online form filling jobs to all our members by email every day. All this online data entry jobs are available for you without investment.


 You will be paid on or around 8th of every month for the previous month earnings by check. If the payment not reaches the minimum limit, it will be accumulated for next month payment. Payments will be made by cheque for completing data entry jobs.


It is really a great income opportunity for an housewife like me. I have joined this website 2 months back. Initially I got one data conversion project every day. For completion of this project I got paid Rs.1200. After few days daily project was increased. Now I am getting 3 projects per day. For this 3 projects I am getting Rs.1000 per day. Daily I am spending only 2hrs for doing this data conversion jobs. Now-a-days I am earning Rs.10000 per month with this website. Highly recommended for new persons who have interest to join this website.
-Meenakshi Kulkarni, Jaipur
I got this opportunity by without depositing any amount. Before this I have deposited Rs.5000 from other company. But I haven’t earn anything. Lot of my completed projects are rejected because of accuracy. But here company is providing software to check my accuracy. So there is no chance for rejection because of accuracy. Just imagine!!! why you can’t do this work 


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