Google Adsense is the best advertising network to earn money online for bloggers and webmasters. When you get Google Adsense approval, Google start showing ads on your blog or website. Once you reach $10 threshold earning, you can set payment mode in your Google Adsense account. Before sending payment to you, Google verifies your address by sending Address Verification PIN (Personal Identification Number) at your address. You have to verify your account address by entering 4 digits PIN which comes in a 4.5 x 6 inch (11.4 x 15.2 cm) postcards. How does the PIN mailer look like? According to Google Adsense, PINs are printed on PIN mailers, which are white 4.5 x 6 inch (11.4 x 15.2 cm) postcards. Please see below for images of the front and back of the PIN mailer that we send to publishers via standard mail. Verify your Google Adsense Account Address using PIN: Just follow below mentioned process to verify Google Adsense Account address using PIN: Step-1: Google ge...
A blog about AdSense newbies and help thus people who don't know how to handle blogger or AdSense