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How Hackers Hack Facebook Account Password 2018?

How Hackers Hack Facebook Account Password 2018?

In Short Hacks:  First of all “Happy New Year 2018” to all our readers. Over 1 Billion users are currently active on Facebook since 2012 and More than 800 Million daily active users. This is such a huge number of records. I know you are landed here just to learn “How To Hack Facebook Account Password?” But as we are aware, Security is the priority to many users. And the truth of this internet is “Security is just an illusion.

Hacking facebook Account Password From Android, iPhone and PC are the hardest questions for us, that everyone is looking for. And yes! It’s hard to find “how to hack Facebook account”, but after doing numbers of the experiment we have found some of the tricks that may work for you. Yeah, I know. Many of our regular readers text us on Facebook and even on WhatsApp and asking a tired, full question “How To Hack Facebook Account Password 2018 (Working)” Well Before gets started just make sure you won’t misuse this hack or misguide anyone. As this hack is just and only for Educational Purpose. Our site provides security tips to protect your Facebook account from hackers. The ultimate purpose of sharing these methods is to aware you. Must read all these methods carefully, beware of all attacks, and protect your Facebook account from hackers.


What is Phishing Attack?

Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials. Phishing is popular with cybercriminals, as it is far easier to trick someone into clicking a malicious link in a seemingly legitimate email than trying to break through a computer’s defenses.The phishing “hooks” that get the highest “open” or click through rate and the Facebook posts that generate the most likes.


Method #1: How To Hack Facebook Account Password Easily From Android?

This is a very common method to hack anyone account. In This method, what a hacker can do? is he creates a fake login page which exactly looks like the real “Facebook Page” (you won’t able to recognize which one is fake and which one is real.) and then asks the victim to log in. Once the victim logs in through the fake page the, the victims “Email Address/Phone Number” and “Password” is stored on the hacker’s server. and Then Hacker can get access to it and get into your account.

Steps To Hack into Facebook Account:

#1 First You Need To Do Google Search of “Z-SHADOW
#2 After opening click on “Sign Up” Here. (Please Follow As Mention in Below Snapshots)


Sign Up is also very easy, Fill the signup form with your basic information.

#3 Yeah! You created your account Successfully! Now go ahead and go to Login Panel Section at left top corner, enter your registered username and password and click on Login & go inside the Z-Shadow.
#4 Here you find a new page and there you will find different types of apps for Facebook.Choose any link that you want to send your victim e.g., if you want him/her to give followers then copy the link of that particular app. And what does hacker do? They force their victims to access their URL and hack Them! So One more thing you need to do is Select Language “English

 #5 Now send that copied link to your victim
 And as the victim, open it and enter his/her password and Hit Login Button. His/her Account Got Hacked!

Steps To Know Victims Account Details:

#1 Now here we are going to check whether victims login or not.
#2 For this, again open Z-shadow account and then go to the top of the menu bar here is the My Victims Options.
#3 Open My Victims Option and see The Password and Email that he/she entered.

How To Prevent Phishing Attack

#1. Don’t click
#2. Go direct.
#3. Don’t try to “win” anything.
#4. Don’t panic.
#5 Never Login your Facebook account on other devices
#6 Use Google Chrome; it identifies the phishing page.
#7 Avoid emails that ask you to log in your facebook account

Method #2:  Hack Facebook Account By Keylogging 2018?

Keylogger is another Dangerous Program that can be used to hack some critical accounts information. This is very harmful even professional peoples fell into it without having any knowledge. Keylogger is installed on victim’s computer, will record everything victim types on his/her computer. The logs are then sent back to the attacker by either FTP or directly to hackers email address. Hack FB Account PAssword

How To Protect Yourself From Keylogger

  • Scan your PC and Pendrive from Trusted Antivirus (a List of best free antivirus is here)
  • Keep in mind, Download Original and Trusted Softwares

Method #3: Facebook Hacking By Password Jacking 2018

Password jacking is a ninja technique that can be done by victims closest person. In a simpler way, This method only works if you know the victim’s information like his email, phone number, date of birth, etc. using this, you have to develop a ninja ability to guess the password or use any password guessing emulators.

How To Protect From Password Jacking?

  • Use Stronger Password (Combination of Symbols, Numbers, Alphabets)
  • Don’t use common passwords like Date Of Birth, 123456, etc

Method #4: Hack Facebook Password Using cookies Stealing.

Cookies are the important files that are stored on your hard disk drive while you are surfing the internet. It contains all the information that you have access to the web it may provide your passwords etc. Now the question is without getting Cookies How Could a Hacker Hack It? Well, The answer is so simple. Hackers don’t get the login passwords, but they can easily access the victim’s account by cloning the cookies, tricking Facebook into thinking the hacker’s browser is already authenticated. They can use Firesheep for this purpose.
Firesheep only works when the attacker and victim are on the same WiFi network. Aside from jacking attack is another name for HTTP session hijacking, but it’s more targeted towards WiFi users.

How To Preven Cookies Stealing?

  • Avoid leaking cookies over HTTP
  • Avoid open WiFi networks
  • Use VPN (Download From Top VPN From Chrome)
Now moving to the security part of this tutorial. Safety and privacy are primary things on the internet.


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